The Feast of Epiphany is the culmination of the Christmas season and the start of the season of Epiphany.
Epiphany celebrates Christ’s incarnation - the Son of God made flesh, made fully
human - and the revealing
of the Christ to the world.
The Orthodox Church celebrates in one great feast the birth of Christ, the Baptism of Christ and the Wedding at Cana at Epiphany.
The Anglican Church follows this tradition by remembering these three great events every year across the season.
The final feast of the season is the Presentation of Christ in the Temple - some times called Candlemas because of the tradition of blessing the candles for the year at this mass.
This is both the last great celebration of Christmas, and the turning point to Lent.
Epiphany Season
January 6 to February 2

Sunday Worship
First Sunday
Choral Mass with
children's activities
10.30 am
St John's Choir sing one of the great mass settings
and an anthem.
Children are included in the mass rather than sent out - they can collect an activity sheet based on the theme as they come in, many parts of the mass are accessible, the first part of the sermon is done with children in mind, and a craft activity follows.
6.00 pm
Family Mass
a short friendly mass
for all the family,
with activities, music for today. Join us for refreshments at 5.40 pm.
Second Sunday
Sung Mass
with children's activities
10.30 am
Third Sunday
Choral Mass with
children's activities
10.30 am
6.00 pm
Family Mass
a short friendly mass
for all the family,
with activities, music for today. Join us for refreshments at 5.40 pm.
Fourth Sunday
10.30 am
Family Mass
friendly, relaxed,
songs new and classic
Choral Evensong
6.00 pm
Fifth Sunday
10.30 am
Sung Mass
with children's activities