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With no weekly collections and reduced income from renting out the hall, like many charities St John's church has been left with a big gap in our finances. Alongside that, many individuals and businesses, are also struggling with reduced income or redundancy.

It is important that we all take this situation seriously: on the one hand no untrue guilt, some of us may need to reduce or stop giving to the church for the time being - St Paul instructs the church to give as we can, not as we can't 2 Cor 8.12; on the other hand, some of us find ourselves in a stable position, and we are asked to think about and pray about how God is calling us to act, not just for the church, but charities as a whole.

The church is not supported by government or charity; and there are no hidden riches - like every other charity and organisation, any savings the national Church has is fulfilling our responsibility to keep paying pensions. St John's works hard to pay our way through letting the building and grounds and the success of this has saved our building and enables the work that the church does in the community. Nevertheless, it is our regular giving that enables us to keep a vicar at St John's church and to keep that ministry going and developing in Fulham. We are all asked to consider our giving and to act wisely and generously.

If you wish to give to St John's, you can donate online

Contact Margaret and ask for our sort code and account number;

you could then use those details for one-off bank transfers or for regular standing orders.

If you are a taxpayer, the government will increase your giving by adding 25p for every £1 you give.

All you need to do is fill in this Gift Aid Declaration form

then simply email the form to Margaret.

If you cannot print this form, you can email Margaret with wording like this:

"I want to Gift Aid my donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to St John's Fulham. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference."

Note that it is important you give your individual name (not a couple) and your full postal address. 

Thank you for your support and help to keep the church witnessing and caring in the community of Fulham

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