Strategy to 2023: Toward 2028 Bicentenary
Building on Firm Foundations
The church is an icon of Christ; when it is fulfilling its call, its life enables people to experience the Kingdom of God. True both of the church as the people and as the building; the building can only fulfil its role through the worship, work and outreach of the people. We have a rich heritage in both people and building; and we are stewards of that inheritance for the next generations.
Guardians - Protecting
Throughout the bible, there is a duty of care expected of the people of God. The bible’s first command, God instructs humanity to have dominion over the earth Genesis 1.26 - the root of this word is not in power but shepherd. Humanity is to shepherd, to look after the earth and all that lives upon it.
St Joseph sets an example as guardian. Quietly and diligently, he ensures that Mary and the child Jesus are protected from harm – taking them to Egypt away from Herod; and helping nurture Jesus as he grows and comes to fulfill his potential. In Jesus, not just humanity, but all Creation is restored to God. Safety and Safeguarding, good governance and employment are then a first priority of our ministry and mission, they are a fundamental way in which the church shows the love, mercy and protection of God.
St Joseph of Nazareth, pray for us.
Building on two hundred years of commitment and service
Reviewing our safety and safeguarding.
Improving partnership: volunteers & employees governance & community.
Toward being financially self-sustaining.
Environmental, economic and fair trade net contributors

Restore and Renew our Building
Building on our heritage and the outstanding work to restore the roofs and tower, we are now able to plan:
Beautiful, user-friendly spaces that enable worship, the arts, community hub, discipleship, and fellowship.
Church: new wood floor, restored decoration, easy to reconfigure for worship, performance, group lettings.
Hall: remove cupboard, lift ceiling, glass walls hinged to expand the church—community hub & lettings
Office: gutted; handmade shelving for books and music, piano and IT. Now the Alston Howard Room: safe space for support, meeting room, song room, lettable space.
Kitchen and toilets expanded, shower added - separate access from all spaces and divides for vulnerable groups.
Heating system that makes spaces warm and inviting and is environmentally neutral and cost-efficient.
Working spaces: offices and sacristy that fit the task.

Community Hub - Providing
‘At the heart of Fulham’ is not just a tag line, many people come through our doors needing practical, emotional and spiritual support. Part of our response is through the night shelter, the parish lunch, and our community facility - especially the Nursery. In our parish, 20% of children and 30% of over 60s live below the poverty line; and the issues increase with Covid. A church member spoke of waiting over three hours in a foodbank queue in the rain—which speaks volumes of the seriousness of the situation many are facing in our parish.
Before Covid there was already interest in what we could offer: talking with Glassdoor about a day centre; two GP surgeries approached us about increasing the parish lunches, as have some who attend; Mother Tina and I have been talking about a drop-in café as a way to be able to support those with mental health issues.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus pictures the love of God so great that he becomes one with us, seeks us out, heals our hurts, would even die for us. If God can love us so much that he would rescue us, how can we not respond with a love and compassion for those around us.
O Sacred heart of Jesus, fill us with wisdom and compassion
Building on our pastoral mission; options we can explore:
Homeless Day Centre: provide practical help 7 - 9.30am
Drop-in Café: healing, community, support 10 - 11.30 am
Community: Toddler Group, Film Club 60+... from 10 am
Support: Job Club, Money Course... from 10 am
Community Lettings: from 4 pm
Debt Support in Meeting Room - see capuk.org
Daily Parish Meal - brings people together for a good meal at low cost using surplus food. www.foodcycle.org.uk
Volunteers trained for ’enhanced conversation’ with people in challenging circumstances.

Nurturing Music at St John’s
We build on a history that includes Henry Wood, Fulham Opera, Robert Presley and nurturing musicians:
Beautiful, user-friendly spaces that enable worship, the arts, community hub, discipleship, and fellowship.
Director of Music employed on a permanent basis
Nurturing Music and Musicians young and old, by providing space for performance, lessons and practice.
Developing the Children’s choir and Choristers
Exploring a Voluntary Choir and Choral Evensong
Put on Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat - Community Musical
Exploring Music from classical, contemporary and different cultures
Developing a Music Festival in the Fulham Community.
Discipleship - Inviting
St ohn’s is open to all of every background, age, race, gender identity, sexuality, or indeed belief!
What holds us in conversation, service and fellowship are our values of humility, hospitality and holiness. We believe that this welcome is reflecting the generous love of God.
It would be dishonest though not to recognise that while Jesus meets us where they are, even walked with us in the wrong direction Luke 24.13ff; he doesn’t want us to stay where we are. Jesus calls us to follow him; to come and see and discover all that God has in store, to find our place in the Kingdom of God. Jesus describes us as disciples - learners, apprentices - to be a Christian is to be a disciple. So, we are committed as a church to finding ways of exploring, deepening our faith; to learning to live that faith out in our daily lives so that the love of God shines through; and to actively inviting others to
come and see, come and explore for themselves this faith which changes the world.
St Peter, pray for us
We build on 200 years of faith -
creating opportunities to explore and grow and invite:
Choral Evensong and Sermon once a month
Next Year’s Preaching - “We Believe…” using the Creed to explore our beliefs and their significance for life & issues.
Creating a Family Mass - including Messy Mass - an arts and crafts based mass; and growing a band for music
Opportunities to Explore - Book at Anytime; Food for Thought - a meal with a talk; Lenten Lunches and Evenings - with visiting speakers; Unlocking the Bible
Children in Church - developing our Sunday Clubs and a Weekday Kids Club linked to First Holy Communion.
Youth - developing a Youth Group - Year 7+ ‘Fully Alive’